Hato Pāora College has produced many fine students such as
- skilled workers
- professionals
- fathers and grandfathers
- leaders
who are making a positive contribution within their Whānau, Hapū, Iwi and Communities on a National and Global level.
In short, we can no longer take for granted and rely on others to sustain the future of Hato Pāora College.
The survival and future of Māori Boarding Schools (MBS) are now under threat. In reality; the future of Hato Pāora College lies with US meaning YOU, ME, WE (Old Boys and Whānau Whānui).
On behalf of the Kura and the Old Boys Association, we are calling for Old Boys and their Whānau to consider investing their sons’ or grandsons’ education back to the Kura and contribute to the Pāora Tino Toa Sponsorhip Programme.
If we are truly serious about sustaining the future of our Kura beyound its 75th Diamond Jubilee come 2022, we then need to
- connect old boys to the offical Hato Paora Old Boys Facebook-Page (Bros – Hato Paora) so we can communicate with them and remain connected
- encourage Old Boys and Whānau to consider investing in their sons’ / grandsons’ education back at the Kura and
- contribute to the Pāora Tino Toa Sponsorship Programme and apply other positive initiatives.
These are the key strategies that will sustain the future of Hato Pāora College towards and beyond its 100th Centennial Jubilee in the year 2047.
The Legacy continues.
Whaia Te Tika,
Mahanga Williams
HPC-OBA (President)
NAME: Mahanga Williams
POSITION: President
HOUSE: Tawhirimatea
YEAR: 1982 – ‘84
NAME: Dean Wilson
POSITION: Secretary
HOUSE: Tawhirimatea
YEAR: 1985 – ‘89
NAME: Hohepa (Joey) O’Donnell
POSITION: Treasurer
HOUSE: Tawhirmatea
YEAR: 1965 – ‘70